(mawbimanews)Protect Lanka believes that Sri Lanka has entered a critical milestone in the history of its war against terrorism. For the first time, there is a well focused, planned strategy with adequate resources to dilute and eventually eliminate the forces of terrorism which has maintained a stranglehold on our nation. We are able to exercise our right to protection from terrorism. Protect Lanka believes that this is also an opportune moment to reflect on the strengths and positive aspects over the past 25 years, giving credit to our achievements as a nation which has not allowed terrorism to destroy our social networks and commitments to development. Unfortunately it is the negatives which have been constantly highlighted by the media both local and international. This has been focusing only on loss of lives, displacement, human rights violations, ethnic discrimination and the destruction created by war. However a more balanced view of the country’s situation reveals quite a different picture, in fact a paradox. Sri Lanka is probably the only country in the world which has managed to maintain a parallel between coping with the tragedies, heightened security and waste of valuable resources to overcome terrorism with development programmes including the social welfare of its people, particularly the poor. Sri Lanka’s remarkable degree of resilience and coping capacities has not been sufficiently emphasized as most media have their vested interests, particularly those at international level and others which promote intervention. It is only by highlighting weaknesses and Sri Lanka’s inadequacies that western power groups can promote Peace Keeping Missions and greater international presence including the support to expand INGOs and NGOs who pretend to be human rights defenders. Protect Lanka believes that it because of many strengths and positives that the nation has managed to still continue the path to development, even if it has occurred at a slower pace because of terrorism. Full Text