(DM)Only a colossal idiot could believe the lies and pious platitudes in the speech delivered by the thug Prabhakaran last Thursday. If such an idiot does exist, he would be left with the belief that Prabhakaran is the very personification of virtue, who abhors violence, and stands much higher in the index of virtue than Mother Theresa !!
Apart from his diatribe against the Sinhalese people, the essential message that Prabhakaran sought to convey is that he, being dedicated to peace, is ever ready to engage in `peace talks’. The unspoken premise on which this lie is based is that there must be an immediate cease-fire as a pre-requisite for such talks !!
While Prabhakaran contends that all previous `Peace Talks’ were used by the Government to strengthen itself for a renewed war against the LTTE, the indisputable facts prove the contrary. Let us remind ourselves of those facts. Full Text