As the Executive Head of State, all action flows from His Excellency the President without which failure will result. The operations conducted by the Armed Forces are to achieve a political aim - peace, as they are deployed to achieve this political goal. This political leadership was not available earlier although Service Commanders had requested for more men and equipment to conduct operations against terrorists. Instead, political leaders failed to provide these needs but opted to continue with “Talks”.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa |
The LTTE leader did neither tolerate any opposition nor any in the organisation that threatened his leadership. This made him eliminate all other Tamil political parties or anyone who disagreed including Tamil organisations as well as PLOTE, EPRLF, TELO, Tamil leaders including his rank and file. Regarding the possibility of him escaping, he recalled that during “Operation Liberation One”, better known as “Operation Vadamaradchi” the LTTE leader was confined to the Jaffna peninsula. At that time he had stated he contemplated suicide but given an opportunity he escaped. Since the environment had changed today, it is doubtful he would attempt suicide but would escape if possible to continue his struggle for a separate state. When questioned regarding the future of the “Tiger’ leader and the prevailing belief among some that the LTTE although defeated will once again ‘rise”, he said the Sri Lankan political leadership should recognize this possibility. Full Text